Collection: My Story Plate - creative dining solution for fussy eaters!

Picture this - your child looks forward to meal time, eats independently and finishes everything on the plate, in record time. No nagging, negotiations or frustration, just an enjoyable time spent eating as a family. And less time at the dining table means more time to go about your day, or some well-deserved 'me' time. 

Give your kids a tool to help them on their culinary journey! 

My Story Plate is a unique and creative dining plate for kids - the only plate your child needs - from the weaning stage at 6 months old, all the way to 6 years old.
It is particularly useful for slow and fussy eaters. 
  • Five numbered pods to guide and encourage eating in half the usual time!
  • Portions food into 5 easy-to-finish amounts. Separates food types for fussy eaters.
  • Pods with rounded base make it easy for kids to scoop up food to feed themselves independently.
  • Made with 100% natural, sustainable bamboo fibre that is toxic-free with anti-bacterial properties (no plastic, melamine or silicone).
  • Beautiful graphics for story-telling and learning values such as patience and determination.
  • Its packaging is made with recycled kraft cardboard paper that is beautifully designed - makes for a presentable gift.
  • Available in two designs - The Unicorn and The Race Car.